Leveraging and Training our Brain's autopilot

Basically, using our brain's tendency to automate things and instincts for good. And training those instincts so that we can do good things without any effort required.

Big ideas

  • Brain automates a lot for us

  • Some people have learned to override instincts, but we need to learn to listen to some

  • you can add instincts, let go of them, refine them, etc

  • most important thing is remaining aware of them — if you have one, reflect on the action it had you take. If it’s constructive, just listen to it going forward. If not, work on letting it go next time — you reflected on it from an objective place, so trust it

  • develop good habits

  • sometimes habits are internalized without us knowing — an action might have yielded a good result once, and now our brain has internalized that and encourages us to do it more. Let that help you. Example is taking a break from coding problem, getting up from couch to drink water and use bathroom, etc.

  • another example: this article. I have the instinct to share this idea. It’s new, so I have to pay attention to it. Maybe try it. Reflect on it and see if it’s productive. But the instinct is there for a reason, so remain curious about it. Try it out. And let it go if you decide the autopilot is off — at least at this point in time

Title ideas

  • refining our autopilot

  • leveraging our instincts

  • help your brain help you

Last updated